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Live Well, Do Well

Wellness Services is committed to educating and empowering students to prioritize their well-being, fostering a community characterized by resilience and collective responsibility.

LiveWell-hosted wellness fair


Location Change

Wellness Services has relocated to Vaughn Center Suite 230. 

Wellness Resources

Wellness Resources

The University of Tampa's wellness programming addresses the wellness model's eight dimensions: social, physical, emotional, occupational, spiritual, intellectual, environmental and financial. 

Students doing yoga

Wellness Programs

Wellness Programs

Relax in a massage chair in the Wellness Room, utilize de-stress kits, meet with a nutritional counselor or enroll in a 5-week sleep program.

Students holding up inspirational posters
十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa community to continually improve healthy behaviors and lifestyles in themselves and others.

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Live Well

Live Well

Live Well is a student-led organization that empowers the 十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa community to continually improve healthy behaviors and lifestyles in themselves and others.

Students walking in nature

Wellness Assessments

Wellness Assessments

Take one of these self-assessments to get a sense of your well-being, from mental health and gambling assessments to screening for alcohol and other drug-related behaviors.

Students in class

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